Sunday, October 17, 2004

Being A Follower Of Jesus Is Serious Business!

We have heard many times that Peter, Jesus' disciple, became serious about serving Christ when he was filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Certainly that was the source of the power and boldness of Peters witness. We have also heard many times that Peter denied Jesus three times after his mock conviction as a criminal. I think it was four times. Eight days after the resurection Peter said to some of the disciples, "I go a fishing".

For him the adventure with Jesus was over. Jesus died, arose, and Peter thought now it was time , even though he had had a a wonderful experience with the Christ, to go back to his old life, fishing, earning a living, enjoying and loving the old routine. But when Jesus ask him, at breakfast on the shore the next day, "Do you love these more than me?-- Feed my lambs. " It was a shock, Peter was puzzled and angry. Here was Jesus, still alive, still the Christ, still calling him to discipleship, "Feed my sheep." There were higher priorities than, living the old life, making a living, enjoying the fish. Peter could not have caught any fish that day except for the Lord's intervention. Being fishers of men was more important! After Jesus reminded him three times, he realized it and re-affirmed his true love for the Lord.

How about you. Have you become a "disciple" but now are denying it by "going fishing"?



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